Sunday, 2 February 2014

a student's weekend in Uppsala

This week my weekend started early as I didn't have any classes on Friday (or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday...) 

After spending most of Thursday at waffle buffet (one of the best ideas I've ever heard of) I decided I'd better get back to the gym on Friday. Insert major fitness differences. I skyped my family on Monday and one of the first things I told them was how proud I was that I'd managed to run up 7 flights of stairs earlier that day. 5 minutes in the gym and I was just embarrassed.

This gym has everything you'd expect and more. If anyone is considering doing an exchange in Uppsala, I would definitely recommend thinking about your fitness. Not only because everyday you will walk around for hours, but also because the people here are unreal. I think training is major part of their lifestyle. Although it seems the whole country has time for cake and coffee every day, you certainly wouldn't know it to look at them. I think the girls here are fitter than most guys I've ever seen in the sports village. As I tried to attempt a sit up I was next to a girl who was hanging from the ceiling doing sit ups as easily as I drink water. It's kind of an incentive to get fit but also an excuse to give up as they all look so naturally lean. 

I'm not sure how likely it is that I will get to meet Santa Clause at this time of year, but in two weeks I will be able to tick 'go to Lapland' off my bucket list. On Friday night I faced the snow blizzard to walk across to the next building and book a trip with my friends. Seven of us have arranged an overnight sleeper train to Kiruna (one of the most northern towns in Sweden - a 16 hour train ride away AND home of the Ice Hotel) and booked flights back for 4 nights later. 

At the moment we have nowhere to stay... Everyone has said that wherever you go while you're in Sweden, you should make the effort to see the Northern Lights. And so as I tend to get over excited about things I thought it would be okay to book our travel without our accommodation. I also thought everything would work out well as I have been in contact with a lady who owns cabins in the little town. However negotiations have gone out the window when my friend called and the woman shouted at her and proceeded to hang up on her for calling on the weekend... Ooops. Sunday is definitely a day of rest here. Either way, I am going to Lapland and I feel like things couldn't really be much better right now!!! 

beginning my travels - a dull day and pretty buildings in Stockholm
Since I arrived in Uppsala, just over two weeks ago, I have realised I have probably never had this amount of free time since my summer holidays in 3rd year. It's actually kind of weird how the days fill up when I'm not reallyy doing anything. Also I'm having long lies nearly every day! As I planned to go to Stockholm on Saturday I made the wise decision not to go out on Friday night as I would never have gotten out of bed. By 11am my three friends and I had arrived in the capital. My friend Selena decided to go check out the Modern Art Museum (which she loved!) I'm happy just being a tourist and so the rest of us went sightseeing. 

I think I took photos of every single building in the old town, Gamla stan. Everything is beautiful! Although the fog and mist didn't do much for my photos, the city beautiful. Every street has something different to offer and there are people all over. One of the main differences I noticed was the number of prams in the city. I don't think I walked 20 metres without passing a cute baby in a pram. I did notice that people would go into shops and leave the prams, sometimes with a baby, waiting outside. Very trusting or very strange, I can't decide. We met Selena at lunch time in a cute deli-style cafe called, "Bröd & Salt". After a lovely meal that cost about £6, (cheap from what I've seen) the lady at the counter gave us a free cake. She wasn't able to sell it as it was damaged, lucky us!! These cakes, called Semla, are in most of the bakeries so I felt pretty lucky getting to enjoy it for free. 
We stayed in Stockholm until about 6pm after eating cakes, shopping and I even managed to pick up a fancy dress costume. My corridor have organised a Super heroes vs Super villains party on Friday night... Pictures to follow. 

 Back in Uppsala, I had a quick turn around before going to Kalmar nation. Described as the 'alternative, vegan' society I wasn't sure how I would fit in but it was sooo fun. Once a month the nation holds a club night based on 'baltic beats'. It was described to me as a "sweaty, eastern European, gypsy punk festival in a hall" - and that's exactly what it felt like. I couldn't imagine listening to the music on my ipod but it was actually one of, if not the best, night out I've had here. I waited in the queue for about an hour but for once it didn't feel that long. I will definitely be going back for Katushka!

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