Thursday, 6 February 2014

fancy footwear

Although I took 45kg of luggage with me, I still didn't do a very good job of packing. Almost everyday I have gone to find something I was so sure I'd packed and it isn't there. BUT I thought I had done pretty good on the footwear front. I took three pairs of pumps, trainers, wellies and two pairs of boots. For the first two weeks I think I only wore the snowboots Sarah gave me (they are like walking on pillows!!) Buut anyway I got a little cocky and decided I didn't need them 24/7. Instead I started wearing my trusty, heeled boots from Primark. I have been here less than three weeks and this is the heels now...

The boot on the left side of the picture sounds like a maraca because there are soo many stones in it. On the right, the empty heel is obviously much louder as it is now hollow.. Also if I'm walking for more than 5 minutes, it fills up with an ice cube... But nevertheless they're still perfectly fine and I'm wearing them out tonight :). 
TIP: Think about footwear when packing

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